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Feed Your Potential 365 is an easy and totally free way to get the healthy living insights, ideas and information you need:

  • POWER YOUR PERFORMANCE – with nutrition tips from our dietitians
  • GET INSPIRED – with healthy recipe ideas, tips and tricks from our chefs
  • FEED YOUR POTENTIAL – with health and wellbeing news you can use from experts at the American Heart Association

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Learn how healthy food can power your day

Snack Time Questions: What’s a Parent to Do?

How often should kids snack? And what should they be snacking on? A dietitian answers these and other questions and offers ideas for healthy snacking.

Humor and Your Health

What does a sense of humor—and laughing—have to do with health? A lot, it turns out! We sift through the research and offer a compelling case for chuckling more.

Supplement Savvy: What You Need to Know About Nutritional Supplements

There are tons of nutritional supplements on the market. A dietitian separates fact from myth to help make informed choices.

Choosing the Right Carbs to Fuel Your Life

Carbohydrates are found in a variety of foods, from whole grains and vegetables to pastries. While all carbs give you energy, only some benefit your health. Find out how to choose wisely.

Feed your potential 365 days a year